Effective Date January 19, 2021 Last Revised Date January 25, 2021 Responsible Office Academic Affairs Executive Deputy Dean of the Graduate School Contact [email protected] Policy Policy Statement To support Ph.D. students in making satisfactory progress on their doctoral research and on completing the dissertation, the Graduate School requires that they receive frequent advising and timely feedback on their academic work through dedicated meetings with their dissertation research adviser(s) as well as additional faculty in their department or program. Who is Affected by this Policy This policy applies to all Ph.D. candidates with an assigned dissertation research adviser. Definitions Dissertation Research Adviser A faculty member whose role is to guide doctoral students in the completion of the dissertation. Reenrollment An annual process whereby departments and programs and the Graduate School evaluate the academic progress of candidates for advanced degrees. Meetings with Adviser(s) Ph.D. students benefit from frequent contact with their dissertation research adviser(s) and from the substantive written and oral feedback on their research direction and progress that they should receive from their adviser(s). The point at which a Ph.D. student may be assigned a dissertation research adviser differs by discipline. In some programs it may happen as early as the first year. In all programs post-generals Ph.D. students should have identified and have been assigned a dissertation research adviser. Meetings with their adviser(s) ensure that students are meeting expected research milestones, remaining on track for timely degree completion, and addressing any concerns raised during prior meetings. Accordingly, regular meetings between enrolled Ph.D. students and their dissertation research adviser(s) are required by the Graduate School. Individual departments or programs may assign other types of advisers (in addition to the DGS) prior to the point when a student is assigned a dissertation research adviser and may have additional requirements for meetings with such advisers or with the DGS. Frequency To ensure that enrolled Ph.D. students who have an assigned dissertation research adviser receive timely feedback and appropriate guidance, they must meet with their dissertation research adviser(s) to discuss their dissertation research and progress on a frequency determined by their program, but in no case less than once per semester. In cases where a dissertation research adviser is on leave from the University, graduate students are expected to follow established departmental policies and practices related to advising. Assessment through Reenrollment The occurrence and frequency of meetings with their adviser(s) must be reported by enrolled Ph.D. students who have an assigned dissertation research adviser through the annual reenrollment process and confirmed by the adviser(s) through that same process. Students who do not meet with their adviser(s) on a frequency determined by their program, but in no case less than once per semester, must explain why the required meetings are not taking place. DGSs and Academic Affairs deans in the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School can, where necessary, assist students in meeting this requirement. Failure to meet with their adviser(s) despite attempts made by the adviser(s) to hold such required meetings may impact students’ reenrollment. Meetings with Additional Faculty Ph.D. students benefit from receiving research guidance and feedback from faculty in their department or program who are in addition to and separate from the dissertation research adviser(s). Such additional faculty who advise a Ph.D. student may in some programs be referred to as the student’s committee. Regular meetings with additional faculty members ensure that Ph.D. students receive substantive feedback from multiple experts and help these students in preparing to meet the Graduate School committee requirements in place for successful completion of the dissertation and the Final Public Oral, or dissertation defense. Accordingly, with the guidance of their adviser(s) and/or DGS, Ph.D. students who have an assigned dissertation research adviser are required by the Graduate School to identify and meet regularly with at least one faculty member from within their department or program who is in addition to and separate from the dissertation research adviser(s). In cases where students have two or more dissertation research advisers, and at least two of these advisers are from within the student’s department or program, the Graduate School’s requirement is already satisfied, provided the student is meeting with those adviser(s). Individual departments or programs may have additional requirements for faculty advising or committee meetings that exceed the Graduate School’s. Frequency To ensure that enrolled Ph.D. students who have an assigned dissertation research adviser receive advising and research guidance from additional faculty members, these students must meet with the additional faculty member(s) from within their department or program whom they have identified, on a frequency determined by their program, but in no case less than once per academic year. In general, meetings with additional faculty members should also include the dissertation research adviser(s) where possible and should focus on the student’s academic progress over the year and provide an opportunity for the faculty member(s) in addition to the adviser(s) to give feedback and offer research expertise. In cases where faculty are on leave from the University, graduate students who would otherwise meet with such faculty for research feedback in fulfillment of this requirement are expected to follow established departmental policies and practices related to advising. Assessment through Reenrollment The occurrence and frequency of meetings with the additional faculty member(s) from within their department or program must be reported by enrolled Ph.D. students who have an assigned dissertation research adviser. This reporting is done through the annual reenrollment process and must be confirmed by the adviser(s) through that same process. Students who do not meet with the additional faculty member(s) on a frequency determined by their program, but in no case less than once per academic year, are required to speak with their adviser to discuss why the required meetings are not taking place. DGSs and Academic Affairs deans in the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School can, where necessary, assist students in meeting this requirement. Failure to meet with the additional faculty member(s) despite attempts made by the additional faculty member(s) to hold such required meetings may impact students’ reenrollment. Roles and Responsibilities Dean of the Graduate School Oversees Graduate School policies and associated procedures. Academic Affairs Administers Faculty meeting process and reviews it through enrollment. Dissertation Adviser Certifies through reenrollment that required meetings have occurred. Graduate Student Schedules and attends required meets and confirms meetings occurred through reenrollment.