Prospective applicants are encouraged to explore our fields of study to confirm deadline information and specific requirements by academic department or program.The application for fall 2025 admission is closed. Application Fee $75.View information about application fee waivers below. Deadlines The application must be submitted, and all required supporting material must be uploaded, by the deadline below. Earlier applications are encouraged; late applications are not accepted. Deadline dates shown are for 2024 and are subject to change up until September 1. All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the date of the deadline.DeadlineFields of StudyNovember 17Neuroscience*Psychology*December 1Art and ArcheologyBioengineeringBiophysicsChemical and Biological EngineeringChemistryEast Asian StudiesEconomics*Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyEnglishHistoryHistory of ScienceMechanical and Aerospace Engineering - Ph.D. and M.S.E.Molecular BiologyProgram in Population StudiesProgram in Plasma PhysicsQuantitative and Computational BiologyDecember 15AnthropologyApplied and Computational MathematicsAstrophysical SciencesClassicsComparative LiteratureComputer ScienceElectrical and Computer Engineering - Ph.D.Finance*French and ItalianGeosciencesMathematicsNear Eastern StudiesPhilosophyPhysicsPoliticsPrinceton School of Public and International AffairsQuantum Science and EngineeringSociologyJanuary 2ArchitectureAtmospheric and Oceanic SciencesCivil and Environmental EngineeringElectrical and Computer Engineering - M.Eng.GermanMechanical and Aerospace Engineering - M.Eng.MusicologyMusic CompositionOperations Research and Financial EngineeringReligionSlavic Languages and LiteratureSpanish and Portuguese*Indicates a change in the application deadline from last year. Application Fee Waivers Eligibility Applicants may be eligible to request a fee waiver based on the following criteria. Requesting a fee waiver will not affect your application during the review process. Financial hardship Participation in a Program (past or present) Recruiting Event Attendee (received an event fee waiver code) Participating Programs AmeriCorps American Physical Society (APS) Aspiring Scholars and Professionals Program (ASAP) Black in AI Cientifico Latino Graduate School Mentorship Program (GSMI) CORO Fellows IIE/Fulbright Institute for Recruitment of Teachers (IRT) Latinx in AI Leadership Alliance Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) McNair Scholars Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) Meyerhoff Scholars Program Minority Access to Research Centers (MARC) National Astronomy Consortium (NAC) affiliated programs National Institutes of Health's Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (ENDURE) National Science Foundation - Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) National Society of Black Physicists National Society of Hispanic Physicists NYC Urban Fellows Payne Peace Corps Pickering Foreign Affairs (FAF) Pittsburgh Summer Program Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (NIH-PREP) Princeton Prospective Ph.D. Preview (P3) (including EEB and MOL scholars) Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA)/Junior Summer Institute (JSI) QuestBridge Scholars Rangel Fellows Research Institute for Scientists Emeriti (RISE) Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy SEAS Hidden Curriculum SEAS - Pathways to Graduate School for Rising College Seniors Society of Hispanic and Professional Engineers (SHPE) Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy at Brown Teach for America (TFA) The Scholars in the Nation's Service Initiative (SINSI) Truman Fellows U.S. Military Virtual Workshop: Grad Info Session Virtual Workshop: Letters of Recommendation and Networking for Success Virtual Workshop: Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Info Session Virtual Workshop: Research Statements and Supplemental Application Questions Yellow Ribbon Program How to Request a Fee Waiver Create an application account. Complete the Fee Waiver Request page in the application. We encourage you to submit your fee waiver request as soon as possible. The deadline to submit a fee waiver request is two business days before the department application deadline. A fee waiver decision will be emailed to you within 2-3 business days. If your fee waiver request is denied, you will need to submit your application and pay the application fee by the deadline. If you are applying for a fee waiver, please do not submit your application and pay the fee until you have received your fee waiver request decision as application fees are non-refundable.