Princeton graduate students who wish to participate at a host institution must abide by the host institution health protocols. The Graduate School joined this consortium beginning in the academic year 2002-03. The members include: Columbia University, Teachers College-Columbia, City University of New York-Graduate Center, Fordham University, the New School for Social Research, New York University, Rutgers-New Brunswick, and Stony Brook University. The consortium exists to facilitate doctoral arts and science students taking needed coursework at one or several of the other institutions. It is for graduate course-taking only, indicated by a course number of 500 or above. It does not arrange or sanction dissertation research and/or faculty consultation at member institutions. Students must have completed one academic year of full-time residence in a Ph.D. program.No tuition or fees are exchanged. Grades will be reported through an official transcript from the host institution, and the course will be reported on the student's Princeton transcript. Please note that students must abide by the host institution's grading policies. Students may not audit courses through the IUDC exchange program. Students who want to participate are urged to make contact, either themselves or through their advisers, with the instructor of the course they want to take before starting the formal application process. For further questions, please contact the consortium office of either the home or host school as applicable. Register Registration for Spring 2025 is now closed. We will begin accepting registration for Fall 2025 starting July 7, 2025. The 2025-26 deadlines for registration at Princeton are September 9 for the fall term and January 30 for the spring term. Instructions for Princeton University Students Registration Complete application: Complete the IUDC Registration Form.Fill out all areas of the form clearly and legibly for accurate registration and grade reporting. Be sure that you have provided your full address, including zip code, as well as a phone number and email address at which the host school can reach you in addition to all course information.Sign the bottom of the formObtain signatures: Obtain signatures in the following order only (signatures will not be given out of order):Princeton Department Chair, Director of Graduate Studies, or AdviserPrinceton IUDC CoordinatorHost School Course InstructorHost School Dean / IUDC CoordinatorRegister at host school: Please refer to the host school IUDC website for registration procedures. This may include proof of immunization. Provide a copy of the registration form to the IUDC Coordinator at the host school after you have collected the other three signatures. Return the completed registration form: Forms should be returned to the Princeton IUDC Coordinator. Dropping a Course If you need to drop your IUDC course, please be sure to do so by the host school's drop/add deadline by contacting the host school's IUDC Coordinator. Please also inform the Princeton IUDC Coordinator that you've dropped the course. Grades and Transcripts Member schools send each other final grades approximately three weeks after the end of each semester. If you have completed your course and your grade has been posted at the host school by that time you need not do anything else to get your grade at Princeton. If you have not completed your course or your grade has not been posted by the time of the grade exchange, then it is your responsibility to take actions that will get your grade to Princeton. Once a grade has been posted at the host school, contact the host school IUDC Coordinator and request that a transcript be sent to the Princeton IUDC Coordinator. The host school IUDC Coordinator will then have a new transcript sent to Princeton at no cost to you. Host school rules on course completion apply, so if you do take an incomplete, be sure you are familiar with those rules if you do not intend to complete the course right away. Instructions for Students Visiting Princeton University Registration Complete application: Complete the IUDC Registration Form.Fill out all areas of the form clearly and legibly for accurate registration and grade reporting. Be sure that you have provided your full address, including zip code, as well as a phone number and email at which we can reach you in addition to all Princeton course information.Obtain signatures: Obtain signatures in the following order only (signatures will not be given out of order):Home School Department Chair, Director of Graduate Studies, or AdviserHome School Dean / IUDC CoordinatorPrinceton Course InstructorPrinceton IUDC CoordinatorSubmit Form: Submit your form as a PDF to the Princeton IUDC Coordinator only after having obtained the first 3 signatures. We will accept an email from the course instructor which gives explicit permission to join the class in lieu of a signature. The other two permissions must be physical signatures. Instructor permission to join a class does not constitute guaranteed enrollment in the course. Visiting students may be denied enrollment or placed on a wait list if the course is closed. You will be contacted if there is a registration issue. Princeton netID, Email, and Access Once your registration is processed, you will receive a Princeton netID and password that will provide you access to email and Canvas for any coursework. You will also have access to Firestone Library. Please visit the Access Office at Firestone Library with a photo ID, and they will make you a separate library card. The office is open: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Please note, you will not receive an official TigerCard (Princeton student ID card). Dropping a Course If you need to drop your IUDC course, please contact the Princeton IUDC Coordinator. You may only drop your course through the first twelve weeks of the semester. After that you will receive a grade. Courses may not be audited. Grades and Transcripts We will send your grade to your home school at the end of the term. Grades are sent in February after the fall semester, and in June for the spring semester. Host school rules on course completion apply, so if you do take an incomplete for a course, be sure you are familiar with Princeton's Incomplete Policy.