
Reenrollment is the annual process whereby departments and programs, along with the Graduate School, evaluate the academic progress of advanced degree candidates. The process is conducted during the latter half of the spring term, and is often supplemented by other department-specific evaluations during the academic year. For example, thesis committee meetings may occur once or at several times during an academic year. 

Students who may be eligible to be enrolled but will not, because of leave, graduation or termination, also use the Graduate School Reenrollment System to provide progress reports and declare end-of-enrollment status to the Graduate School.

Process Snapshot

  1. Student Self-Review: To begin, students assess their annual accomplishments and provide a look ahead using the Graduate School Reenrollment System. 

  2. Adviser Assessment: Next, a student’s adviser makes an advancement recommendation, emphasizing academic progress. They outline whether a student is meeting or exceeding standards, in need of improvement, or making insufficient or unsatisfactory progress. In the latter cases, they outline specific areas of concern. Assessment may be deferred if more details are needed.

  3. Departmental Assessment: With student and adviser submissions completed, the department then conducts a final review and makes its reenrollment recommendation.

  4. Reenrollment: Students will be notified of reenrollment decisions via email, with access to adviser and departmental comments. To be able to register in August and access financial support documents, students must submit an online acceptance.

Student Self-Review

In addition to formally evaluating academic progress and the ability to move forward, the annual reenrollment process provides a valuable opportunity for each student to reflect on their progress while looking ahead. Using the online Graduate School Reenrollment System, students:

  • Prepare a written statement of academic progress: Cover activities, including coursework, RCR training (if applicable), IDP (if applicable), frequency of meetings with their adviser, professional development, and conferences and publications.

  • Showcase accomplishments and research plans: Include highlights of special accomplishments and plans such as summer research which may require funding.

  • Chart one’s outlook: Outline goals and objectives for the coming year.

Guidelines for Satisfactory Academic Progress

All advanced degree candidates

  • Complete high quality work in courses and seminars
  • Satisfy residence, language, and other departmental requirements
  • Perform effectively in an assistantship in instruction (AI) or assistantship in research (AR) position, where relevant

Ph.D. candidates, post-generals

  • Make significant research progress toward degree
  • Perform effectively in an assistantship in instruction (AI) or assistantship in research (AR) position, where relevant

For more information, please see the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.


Reenrollment Decisions

Students who have satisfied all academic requirements within their department or program and demonstrated their readiness for continuing graduate work are offered reenrollment no later than June; others are notified about reenrollment when a basis for judgment is available.