Graduate Degrees & Requirements

The Graduate School at Princeton University encompasses 43 degree-granting departments and programs that admit graduate students and awards more than 300 advanced degrees annually. Doctoral education, available in all divisions, emphasizes original and independent scholarship, while master's degree programs in architecture, engineering, finance, public affairs, and public policy prepare candidates for careers in public life and professional practice.

Each program is unique, featuring a mix of coursework, teaching, and research experiences designed to prepare the next generation of leaders across fields. However, certain shared requirements are hallmarks of the Princeton graduate experience.

Fields of Study

Explore Princeton’s 45 degree-granting departments and programs, with associated admission and degree requirements, as well as certificate, joint degree, and interdepartmental offerings.

Standard Requirements for All Advanced Degree Candidates

Review requirements that all graduate students at Princeton must complete, regardless of program or degree.

Ph.D. Advising Requirements

Understand the advising milestones required by the Graduate School for all Ph.D. candidates.

Ph.D. General Examination

Demonstrate general knowledge of your subject, acquaintance with scholarly methods of research, and the ability to organize and present material. 


Dissertation & Final Public Oral Examination

Showcase technical mastery through independent and original research that enlarges or modifies current knowledge.


Advanced Degree Application Process

Review the steps towards the advanced degree, beginning two months before the Final Public Oral Examination.