The Curriculum Subcommittee of the Faculty Committee on the Graduate School reviews all proposals for new graduate permanent courses and permanent topics courses, as well as the deactivation of permanent and permanent topics courses. (One-time-only courses may be approved by the Graduate School, without full approval of the Curriculum Subcommittee.) This Subcommittee is also convened as a review body if an existing department or program has proposed significant changes to its own curriculum or requirements, provided that those changes do not conflict with Graduate School-wide requirements. In such cases, endorsement by the Subcommittee for changes to an existing program’s curriculum or requirements is sufficient for implementation of the changes. Updates to Fields of Study The Fields of Study update process happens annually during the summer. The process typically begins following Commencement, with final updates accepted from departments and programs through July. The new version is available at the beginning of the academic year. Permanent courses that appear in Fields of Study are updated through a course feed directly from the PeopleSoft Curriculum Management System. One-time-only courses do not appear in Fields of Study. New Graduate Course Proposals All new graduate permanent course proposals are submitted through the Course Approval Process (CAP) in the PeopleSoft Curriculum Management System (CMS). Courses may be offered as one-time-only (OTO) courses before they are proposed as a permanent course. One-time-only courses may only be offered once at the graduate level before they must be proposed as a new permanent course or new permanent topics course. When submitting new permanent or new permanent topics course proposals in CAP, departments and programs must upload the New Permanent Graduate Course Proposal Form, along with a draft syllabus and any cross-listing approval memos. The Curriculum Subcommittee recommends certain elements to be included in a graduate course syllabus that accompanies a new graduate course proposal. These guidelines are attached to the New Permanent Graduate Course Proposal Form. Once the Curriculum Subcommittee approves a new course proposal, it goes to the full faculty for final approval. Updates to Graduate Courses The Course Update Process (CUP) in CMS allows departments to make modifications to existing courses. This is also where new term topics are submitted for already existing permanent topics courses. These updates are reviewed by the Academic Affairs team in the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School. Course Decommissions The Graduate School asks departments to review annually those courses that have not been offered in five to nine years in an effort to clean up the inventory of permanent courses so that it accurately reflects our offerings and to release numbers so that they can be reused for new courses. Following the guidelines of the Curriculum Subcommittee of the Faculty Committee on the Graduate School, permanent or topics courses that have not been taught in 10 years or more should be inactivated.