Explore our graduate students’ demographics, program experiences, and post-graduate career outcomes. The Graduate School regularly distributes information on the graduate programs at Princeton University to encourage prospective applicants and update current students and University faculty and staff on program performance. 45 Doctoral Departments and Programs spanning the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering Nearly 3.400 graduate students from 91 countries 33 Interdisciplinary / interdepartmental doctoral programs Statistics At-a-Glance Admission Statistics Number of applicants * admitted students * yielded students Enrollment Statistics Degree-seeking students by discipline & field Degree Counts Ph.D. & Master’s Degrees Conferred * Time to Degree Accessing statistics using screen readers The summary data tables can be exported as a spreadsheet to be explored using software of your choice. Open one of the statistics links in the preceding "Statistics At a Glance" section. Use your tab key to move your cursor to the footer menu; you will hear “refresh, button” Use your arrow keys to locate the “download” button. From modal created when clicking the download button, select and click “crosstab.” From the crosstab options modal, use your arrow keys to hear which data sheets are available for download. Click on your preferred sheet, and then tab to the next section to choose between the Excel or CSV format. Tab to and click the download button to ask the server to create a downloadable file. Once the file is ready, a new modal appears, titled “File Download,” asking you to click download again to download the file. A new browser window will open, containing the file. After closing the file download window, your cursor will return to tab list at the top of the page. Tab to the download button in the footer menu if you wish to download additional sheets. If you encounter any issues or would like to request a different data set, please email [email protected] or call 609-258-3034. Detailed Information Admission Statistics Data on the number of applicants, admitted students and yielded students (that is, admitted students who accepted the offer of admission) at Princeton University's Graduate School. The data are finalized annually on June 15 and include only degree-seeking candidates. Enrollment Statistics Data on the number of degree-seeking candidates enrolled at Princeton University's Graduate School. The data are finalized annually on October 15. Degree Counts and Time to Degree Analysis Data on the number of Ph.D and Master's degrees conferred to graduate students in an academic year and the time required to complete those degree. The data are finalized annually on June 30. Ph.D. Completion and Cohort Analysis Data on the number of Ph.D. students that matriculated in a cohort decade of 1969-70 through 2016-17, percentage of students who completed their general exam, median time for students to complete their general exam, percentage of students who completed their Ph.D. and median time for students to complete their Ph.D. Ph.D. Long-term Career Outcomes Data on career outcomes of Ph.D. degree recipients five years and ten years out.